Monday, April 11, 2011

iPad Chocolate Cake for Jack's 23rd Birthday

Happy 23rd Birthday Jack!! my lovely brother :))

Jack really wants an ipad for his bd present but our family decided to buy it at the States next month during our vacation. so i gave him an ipad cake instead on his bd! It took me 7 hours in the kitchen to bake this cake. the chocolate cake and sauce took me only an hour and a half. what took me so long was the icing sugar for the applications which i have to mix the color in and combined them to create one.

Chocolate Cake (for 2 lbs):

60g cake flour

30g cocoa powder

3g corn stratch

1/2t baking powder

2 large eggs

60g sugar

8g SP

50g melted room temperature butter

2t vanilla

40g milk

sift flour, corn starch, baking powder, and cocoa powder through sieve in a large mixer bowl.
in the same large bowl: add in sugar, eggs, vanilla, and milk

use an electric mixer at medium speed for a while till the indregients are mixed together.

change it to high speed and mix it for 2 min

add in SP and continue to mix it at high speed for 2 min
the batter will become whiter

change it to low speed and guadually add in melted butter

then change it to high speed for 1 min
prepare the baking sheet

bake it at 180c for half an hour

check the cake with cake tester or if you dont have one, toothpick is always useful!

cut the cake in half
use the spatula to spread the chocolate sauce

for the chocolate sauce recipe click the link below

making icing sugar
itunes app

Baking Brownies at Nan's

Last Friday I went to Nan's place and baked her fresh -from-oven-hot-fudge-brownie as her lovely mom requested. Lily joined us too! It's pretty much like a work shop but this time it was not at my place. I packed and measured all of the ingredients in a plastic bag so all we did at nan's were just basically put in the ingredients in a baking bowl and mix the batter together.

for the recipe click my link below:

nothing is better than hot brownie topped with vanilla icecream me and my lovely student hehe

so basically melted 150g of butter in microwave

then guadually add in 170g of sugar one tablespoon at a time

add in 2 eggs, 1t of vanilla. then guadually add in 75g of flour and 60g of cocoa powder tablespoon at a time.

stir it till it is nicely combined. lastly add in 50g of chocolatechip to make it more chewey.

bake at 180c for 20 min